WF Resolution 5 (Pacifica)

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WF Assembly
Resolution 5
Date17 December 2018
Voting summary
  • 2 voted for
  • None voted against
  • 1 abstained
ResultFoundation of the International Council for the Preservation of Human Heritage (ICPHH)

World Forum Resolution 5 - Protection of landmarks of human heritage was a resolution founding the International Council for the Preservation of Human Heritrage (ICPHH). It works under the Committee of Science and Education (SCE) of the World Forum and mainly features nations in its roster of members, which are also part of the SCE. The resolution was adopted at the end of 2018 with 67% approval from the Assembly after minor discussions on editorial changes and a potential bias of the ICPHH and its categorisation of locations as human heritage sites.[1]


  • Section A states the purpose of the resolution
  • Section B defines the framework, in which the ICPHH may become active
  • Section C creates the organisational structure of the organisation


Section A - Introduction

To protect specific landmarks that are important to the human cultural, historical, or scientific heritage, we hereby establish the International Council for the Preservation of Human Heritage (the "ICHPP").

Section B - Mandate

The ICHPP shall

  1. be an international organisation under the Committee for Science and Education featuring the voluntary membership of states within the World Forum,
  2. select such landmarks that are deemed to be of outstanding common interest of humanity (designated as a Human Heritage Landmark, "HHL"), nominated by its members and confirmed by a simple majority vote,
  3. suggest laws and treaties to protect HHL's, and
  4. provide support to states to preserve HHL's.

Section C - Organisational structure

  1. The ICHPP shall be headed by a director-general who shall be elected by a simple majority vote in the Committee for Science and Education.
  2. The director-general shall serve for a term of six months.
  3. The Committee for Science and Education shall decide by a simple majority vote where headquarters of the ICHPP shall be located.
