Politics of Alterra (Pacifica)

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Politics of Alterra
Politik Von Alterra (Alman, unrecognized)
Flag of the Commonwealth of Alterra
Polity typeFederal constitutional democratic republic
ConstitutionConstitution of Alterra
Legislative branch
NameFederal Congress
Meeting placeHouse of Congress
Presiding officerThomas Anderson, President of Alterra
Upper house
NameFederal Senate
Presiding officerLaura Clarke (D), President of the Senate
AppointerPresident of Alterra
Lower house
NameFederal Council
Presiding officerJames Addington (D), Speaker of the Council
AppointerPresident of Alterra
Executive branch
Head of State and Government
TitlePresident of the Commonwealth
CurrentlyThomas Anderson
AppointerPopular vote
Current cabinetFirst Anderson Cabinet
LeaderThe President
Deputy leaderVice President
AppointerThe President
HeadquartersPresidential Palace
MinistriesCurrent Cabinet Ministries
Judicial branch
NameJudicial system of Alterra
Supreme Court Justice Alan Jones
CourtsSupreme Court of Alterra
Supreme Court
Chief judgeSupreme Court Justice Alan Jones
SeatAlterra City


The Commonwealth of Alterra has possessed since its establishment in February 1920 a Federal constitutional democratic republic, led by a President with elections every two and four years for the legislative and executive branches respectively. Since its establishment, no federal election has been skipped or missed out and each and every one occurred with no outside interference or illegal activity, making Alterra one of the most democratic countries in the region.

Executive authority


The Government of Alterra is the national administrative body wielding supreme executive authority over the sovereign state of the Commonwealth of Alterra.

Organisation and formation of the government

The Alterran Government operates as a three-branch collegial body with collective responsibility, and consists of the executive branch led by the President of the Commonwealth, who is appointed and/or dismissed by a popular vote held every four years during a presidential elections. The executive branch also includes the Presidential Cabinet, which is composed of the various departmental secretaries of the Government. The Cabinet is appointed and dismissed by the President with the approval of the Federal Senate. The legislative branch is composed of the Federal Congress, which is divided into the Federal Senate and the Federal Council, which are the upper and lower houses respectively. Thirdly, the Judicial branch is led by the Supreme Court Justice and is composed of the Supreme Court, which is above the subordinate Municipal, Provincial and National Courts.


The departments of the Alterran Government are large, decision-making organizations which with the help of experts and other personnel under their command make decisions and suggest these proposals to the President or to the Federal Congress, which can decide to pass or reject the proposal. Each and every department are permanent as established by the 1920 Constitution of the Commonwealth of Alterra.

Current presidential cabinet

Government offices

Government agencies

Legislative authority

Federal Congress


Judicial authority


Alterran federal elections are held every two and four years for the legislative and executive branches of the Government respectively. All seats in the Federal Congress are opened for a switching of hands every two years, while the same is for the office of President and Vice President every four years.





Foreign policy

Participation in international organisations

The Commonwealth of Alterra is a member state of the World Forum and the Cross Pacific Space Cooperation organization.