Arkanian High Kingdom (A1-0)

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Arkanian High Kingdom

Arkanu Upxu Thixpuke
Flag of Arkanian High Kingdom (A1-0)
Motto"Ue'l nithurou'k tu lizizxe!"
"To serve and protect!"
Founded8.265 BBT
LocationSector A1-0, (1080-920)
CapitalSrinziz City
Key worldsArkania, Txan (moon), Ashlar (moon)
Population9.8 billion
Head of stateHigh King Oldem III Sorr
Head of governmentHigh King Oldem III Sorr
Major speciesArkanian
Key technology
MilitaryArkanian Protection Forces
Intelligence serviceArkanian Royal Intelligence Agency
CurrencyM'ekik(i) (צ)
State religionJo'Dai religion

The Arkanian High Kingdom is a space faring star nation deep in the Tiyanki Territories and located close to the Great Expanse. Even though the Kingdom consists of only one system, their realm has three inhabited celestial bodies: Arkania and its moons Txan and Ashlar. Because of its isolated location, this realm is largely known as a vague nation mostly known through by its people's martial abilities or their technology. This doesn't mean that the Arkanian High Kingdom maintains a strict isolationist policy. The Kingdom is known to be a reliable supplier of advanced technology and to some extent genetic modification. Although small, the Kingdom refines all of its aspects to near perfection and balance. Arkanians do remain highly secretive about their technology. Their moon, Txan, is one of the few places throughout Sector A1-0 that contains beskar ores. This ore can used to form beskar metal, known to the Arkanians as Axiun. Axiun is one of the few metals that is able to resist lightsaber slashes and its production process is kept a secret. To receive anything made out of Axiun is considered the greatest gift by the Arkanian government. For this reason, Axiun isn't sold commercially and heavily recycled. The Arkanian High Kingdom has close ties to the Jo'Dai Order and in many ways acts as its main ally. To such an extent that the Arkanians have adopted the Jo'Dai religion yet remain a separate entity from the Order. They embody what a Jo'Dai Watchman is on a societal level. The Arkanians have proven to be reliable allies and serve as a vanguard in the nearby area as they patrol beyond the borders of their realm. Sometimes even 50 LY away from their home system. Holding frequent anti-piracy and anti-hunting campaigns, they have gained the nickname of "Tiyanki Guardians" in their part of the Tiyanki Territories.


Age of Seven Kingdoms

The true origins of the Arkanians remains unknown. However, the most accepted theory is that they once were a certain outcast in a larger nation. The reasoning behind their banishment remains unknown and lost to time. It is speculated that this is due to their genetic nature which is a manipulated version of that of normal humans. They are nearly identical to humans and consider themselves an offshoot of the larger species. The ancient Arkanians arrived roughly 10.000 standard years ago on the planet and quickly seceded into different nation states. A period of roughly 2.000 standard years followed where these nation states fought against one another. The seven original large cities of Arkania formed their own Kingdoms and warred with one another in hoplite warfare. The Arkanian's longevity was unknown at this point as nearly all Arkanians died during these battles.

Planetary unification and the First Golden Age

These warring states would eventually be reduced unto the Kingdoms of Polxuve and Mithreuve remained. A series a rapid assassinations and deaths in battles, known as the kinslaying, left only the Queen of [[Mithreuve, Irrole Murr, alive. In a desperate attempt to ensure her countries survival and a wish for peace, she wed herself to the Crown Prince of Mithreuve, Hegras Allarr. The Kingdoms then knew a time of relative peace, but turmoil arose again when the King of Polxuve died and Mithreuve wanted to become the new seat of power of the joint Kingdom. However, roughly 8.000 standard years ago, the new King decided to build a new capital: Srinziz, meaning the "future" in Arkanese. The new Royal Palace was built with two rising towers as a show of unity between the two Arkanian kingdoms. He renamed his dynasty to the name "Sorr" and became the first High King of Arkania. His reforms would be considered tyrannical by democratically minded people, but his strong hands-on approach proved effective. He abolished the social classes' influences of the nobility and clergy and everyone swore loyalty directly to him as he was an absolute monarch. Thus the Age of the Seven Kingdoms ended and the First Golden Age began. In this time the longevity capabilities of the Arkanians were revealed and they reviewed combat as a way to achieve peace and not chaos.

Second Golden Age

The First Golden Age ends with the first interstellar flight through hyperdrive roughly 7.500 standard years ago. Technological progress skyrocketed during the First Golden Age. High King Oldem I, rejoiced in this achievement and began to explore neighbouring regions. Colonizing their moons as well, the Arkanians entered their Second Golden Age. This Golden Age was known for biological advancement in bio-engineering fields, revealing the Arkanians' origins once they came into contact with a small human colony who shared a similar fate. This colony would however be destroyed by pirates and the few remaining survivors joined the Arkanians and interbreeding between the races was revealed possible. This changed the Arkanians in such a way that they adopted a near isolationist policy. Wishing to prevent such a fate, they focused on perfecting their defences and vowed to help those in need. Centuries passed and during the reign of High King Oldem II, an Kalkattan Jo'Dai, Jal'Orun, discovered his realm. He enjoyed many conversations with the High King and his visit marked the beginning of the Third Golden Age roughly 7.000 standard years ago. It was during the Jo'Dai Master's visit the the properties of Axiun were revealed and extensive mining operations began on Txan.

Third Golden Age and Jo'Dai influence

The Third Golden Age is still taking place. It focuses on perfecting technology and philosophy. The Jo'Dai influence increased until they adopted their religion and cooperated closely with them. When High King Hegras IV declared the Jo'Dai religion the Kingdom's state religion, he also change the second moon's name from Nizoupuk into Ashlar. The first Arkanian Jo'Dai, Zeva Nassu, was taught by the the Jo'Dai Master Jal'Orun himself and became a champion of the Order. She trained many Jo'Dai while becoming a master of the Tokashi form and laid down the foundation of Jo'Dai and Arkanian cooperation, which resulted in the Luzu Enclave under her Pad'Shar turned Watchman, Krala Resh. The Arkanian society gained a societal conscience of peace which resulted in prosperity. It was during these era that the nobility regained significance in Arkanian society. Though the archaic laws weren't changed, the very spirit of Arkanian society shifter. One to a more peaceful and harmonious existence.

Analosa the Terrible

As the Arkanians grew in strength and numbers, so did their cooperation with the Jo'Dai Order. Their race had proven a huge boon to the Jo'Dai cause. The Arkanians began to bring peace to the nearby region by going after pirates and ensuring protection to small nearby agricultural worlds such as Fedshol and Elvon. However, they would also face some challenges such as the Zeltrex Pirate Queen Analosa. Analosa amassed a huge number of pirates into her service and began raiding defenceless worlds in a campaign roughly 5.700 years ago. The Jo'Dai Order called for aid at the Arkanians and the Arkanians, remembering the old fate of their human brethren so long ago, answered the call. The campaign was lead by High King Thorkes II and Battlemaster Thakdros Zonash who founded the Arkanian battle tactics. With the help of the Jo'Dai Order the Arkanians overthrew the Pirate Queen and banished her on a small island on Ashlar. They provided food and shelter for her until her eventual death. Analosa would however adopt the Jo'Dai religion and would try to atone for her crimes. This story serves as compelling story to spare the enemies of Arkania and help them atone. 

Current times

Ever since then the Arkanians have remained largely to their worlds in the Arkan system. Enjoying peace and prosperity in their corner of the Tiyanki Territories acting as a vanguard and ally of the Jo'Dai. Their acts from the past and those of Arkanian Jo'Dai have left a legendary reputation of the species. This reputation is well earned as some consider them to be the best warriors of Sector A1-0. Yet they are largely unknown or left to mystery by the larger star nations outside the Tiyanki Territories. Contact with them is now certain as the Joint Treecuu-Stoinian Exploration Fleet slowly make their way towards the Tiyanki Territories and the Tarassian Union ended their millenium long isolation with their new Tarassos Gor D'Kut.


Throughout their history, the Arkanians have shown obedience and loyalty towards their monarchs. This is the reason why this archaic governing method holds to this day. The Arkanian monarchs are both wise and strong leaders. Their society has grown around the High King's court, yet the Arkanians see nothing wrong with it. They perceive it as their form of societal balance. Both parties must shown restraint respectively. A ruler cannot rule over those who do not wish it and those ruled cannot allow tyranny to overcome them. These archaic laws surrounding this system have survived millennia because they achieved a societal consensus when they adopted the Jo'Dai religion. Without this mutual understanding, Arkanian society will fall back into a renewed age of infighting. Therefore the monarchy has become a pillar of Arkanian society and the Arkanians will protect it dearly and will retaliate when their Kings and Queens are insulted. Although in the Age of Seven Kingdoms a strong caste system was present, this has largely changed with the rise of the High Kingdom. Every individual citizen swears loyalty to the High King and not to any Lord in between like in the old days. The nobility however remains intact and instead form the basis of the Royal Council who help administer and protect the Arkanian High Kingdom. Many of these Lords serve as the High King's representative and are what some consider to be the local government. They have in fact a fief in all but name and are proud families who serve as an example to the local populace.

What makes the Arkanians so legendary, is their martial arts. They have a similar fighting technique to the Jo'Dai's Mutai called the Nauku'k Thomixeu or "Weirding Way", but at its core it searches to find the inner peace of the user. It requires total control over once body and then letting the mind flow through it in conjunction with the body. These martial arts were originally intended to overcome opponents, but have been seen as a form of art since early Arkanian history. The Arkanian heavily invest time in their fighting techniques and as a result their fighting techniques have become elegant and swiftly. Outsiders often describe Arkanian duels as dances as the opponents fight with such elegance and utter precision. These fighting techniques are very costly for Arkanians as they require enormous amounts of energy to sustain for long periods of time. Some schools of Arkanian martial arts focus on the elegance of battle rather then winning it such as the Vuzue'l Xuke. To them, its most important to maintain the elegance in battle while defending yourself until the opponent is worn out. These competitions have become popular in Arkanian society and culminate in the Great Duels. The Great Duels happen once every seven years and take about three months. This free for all competition accepts all willing Arkanians to perform. This competition takes so long because Arkanians can fight nearly a whole day in these tournaments. When duellists can fight for an entire day, they are seen great warriors. But if both can hold off the enemy for two days, they are immediately considered for a place in the Arkanian Royal Guard and receive a lifetime status as a Great Champion. This has occurred only six times throughout Arkanian history. Every Arkanian exercises some form of martial arts in their process of waking up. It is believed that no Arkanian is truly awake before shedding a bit of sweat. Arkanian working tends tend to be shorter than most standards to encompass these rituals. It is believed that these rituals increase productivity throughout the day.

Aside from combat, the more artistic natured Arkanians spend a lot of time on poetry and calligraphy. Often drawing similarities with combat. Every 8th day of the week, poetry is read all over the markets in cities. Poetry in the equatorial regions tend to focus more on the unknown and what might be, while in the polar regions, they relate to hardship and perseverance. The Arkanian language, Arkanese, is also perceived as a beautiful and elegant language to listen to. The Arkanians have soft voices and speak in a very controlled and calm manner. The rhythm both in their day to day language and poetry are quite melodious and have ebbs and flows. Many outsiders tell stories that they never felt such peace and calmness when they witnessed these weekly poetry markets. Many warriors tend to perfect both their martial skills as well as their poetry skills. They often use it to put their feelings and philosophies in battles in perspective.

The Jo'Dai Order has heavily influenced Arkanian culture. Aside from religion, the Arkanians have also adopted the peaceful ways that come with. Rather than focusing on conquest and glory, the Arkanians now work towards perfection. While combat still is a huge part of their lives, it now serves to bring them inner peace and control over their body. The Arkanians seek to preserve their societal peace on their homeworld and its moons. While the Jo'Dai preach to search out injustice and evil, the Arkanian society aims to create a bastion where evil cannot take form. This is done through the Juo xiu Zekru or Conduct of Honour. A series of codes which dictate how any Arkanian should live. Because of these rules Arkanians have an honest blunt nature often telling what they have in mind in all circumstances and is heavily endorse by their educational system. These ancient inscriptions, which were a fusion of Arkanian and Jo'Dai teachings, are preserved by the Council of Honour who serve as the upper judicial branch of the Kingdom. When crimes are committed, the Council of Honour will serve as the judge. Though it almost always will result in either death or exile. While the death sentence is rarely given and only for the most gruesome atrocities, the result is nearly always the same. The criminal will face death by combat and whether how much he or she puts up a fight shows how much honour they still have left in them. For only Ashla is believed to truly redeem such a criminal. Like the morning rituals, the Arkanian must sweat before he or she can enter the afterlife. 
Practical alliances do exist with the Jo'Dai Order. When the Jo'Dai face larger threats that require large scale invasions, the Arkanian military steps in. On few occasions the Arkanians sent an entire Battlegroup in similar cases when they helped defeat the Zeltrex Pirate Queen Analosa. Though these large scale operations are few and far between in history.
Arkania also holds one of the few active Jo'Dai Enclaves. This Luzu Enclave came to be as the result of the first Jo'Dai Watchman of Arkania, Krala Resh. The Watchman of Arkania is tasked to supervise the peace on the planet. While this wasn't really needed on Arkania per se, it was a show of good faith between the two parties. Jo'Dai Knight Krala Resh, with the approval of the Jo'Dai High Council, began to actively train and recruit members into the Jo'Dai Order. Arkania thus became an extension for the Jo'Dai Order and Younglings pass through Arkania on their way to Thrallum. This is to show them what societal peace looks like and what they must achieve in their quest for justice.

Arkanians have also proven to be highly inventive species. Their technology is known for its elegance and reliability in the Tiyanki Territories. This however comes at a cost of complexity and secrecy. Arkanians keep essential details on how technology works a secret from outsiders. This is to keep knowledge away from those who seek to do harm. The Arkanians also find a certain beauty in making complicated things. Systems upon systems that can work in conjunction with one another nonetheless. However this elegance is also shown on the outside as they often give refined twisted carvings on the outer layers of their works. Arkanian weaponry is a direct result from their cooperation with the Jo'Dai Order who entrusted knowledge to make such weapons. The most famous example of it is the lightsaber pike used by the Royal Guard. However, not all their weaponry knowledge comes from the Jo'Dai Order. This has also led to the Arkanian Lightsword. This plasma infused weaponry is unique. It serves a direct continuation of the traditional Arkanian Xukuxu Sword, which is similar to the ancient human katanas. The infusion of plasma give the sword new capabilities such as creating a plasma bolt with the right jerk. This give the sword a limited ranged ability, but the created plasma bolt is quite unstable and will disperse into thin air after about ten meters.

An Arkanian Lightsword, a two handed weapon favoured by the Arkanian military.

Txan contains beskar ores which are used to make Axiun metal, a rare lightsaber resistant substance. The process of refining the ores into metal is extremely complicated. Once the plating is done, technological hardware is incorporated into the armour to disperse and absorb energy from incoming attackers. Only the few Axiun Forgemasters know these processes. The Royal Guard's Axiun shield are the most famous example of it. Typically Axiun gauntlets are made for Arkanians or even outsiders who have proven themselves towards the Arkanians. This gift is considered the highest possible reward for an Arkanian as it prevent the user's hands to be cut off, the highest disgrace for an Arkanian. Is symbolizes the backing of the Arkanian people for that person. GeneTech is what the Arkanians call their bio-engineering capabilities. Being genetically engineered themselves, they retained some of that knowledge and have grown to master it. The Arkanians will happily cure anyone of genetical diseases, but a strict rule set is maintained to prevent genetic augmentation. The Office of Bioscience under the Department of Technology supervises all medical interventions. Arkanian hyperdrives are also renowned in the Tiyanki Territories. This is because their hyperdrives have a longer life expectancy than most others in the region. While also slightly faster than other hyperdrives, they also offer some protection to other hazards within the Expanses and offer more precise entry points to realspace. They are able to calculate new hyper routes in the ever changing Expanses, though this takes considerable time. Jo'Dai ships to Thrallum will often use these hyperdrives to find their way back to the planet.


The Arkanian government is unique compared to large star nations. The High King holds absolute authority, but the people live very comfortable and free lives. The High King leads the Arkanian Royal Council which handles daily affairs of the star nation. The Council is then split up into different Department which each are lead by a Magistrate. In total there are seven of these Departments: the Treasury, Department of Education, Foundation, Agriculture, Trade, Technology and Lunar Affairs. The Treasury deals with the Kingdom's and the High King's finances as they are one and the same. The Department of Foundation supervises both infrastructure and industry. The Department of Technology is further divided into Offices which relate to certain areas of the sciences. The Department of Lunar Affairs work with everything the moons of Txan and Ashlar through their respective Viceroys. Any forms of foreign policy is the High King's responsibility, though this rarely happens formally with outside star nations. Aside from the Departments, there are also two councils: the Council of Defence and of Honour. The Council of Honour serves as the judicial branch who preserve order according to the Juo xiu Zekru or Conduct of Honour. The Council of Defence is the council consisting of the highest ranking members of the Arkanian military. These being the Knight Marshals and the Battlemaster. They are responsible for the defence of the Kingdom and its allies. Together with the High King, they decide whether the Arkanian Protection Forces are deployed when aid is called upon. They maintain a strict defensive stance and don't prioritize any sort of exploration, this happens very slowly, but is mostly done by the Jo'Dai allies. 

Local government

Although by law the High King controls everything, local government exists through the Lords. While there is no real power structure that sustains it legally speaking, a societal agreement between the Lords of olds and the High King exists. This agreement being that the Lords will do whatever the High King commands and enforcing their decisions and laws without question. A deep sense of obligation is instilled in the noble houses to obey the High King This harmonious balance came with the influence of the Jo'Dai. Each stratum of old must do their part to maintain peaceful cooperation. Even if the laws don't dictate it. It shows the Arkanian belief that the spirit of the people transcends the need for laws.

Watchman of Arkania

While the Watchman of Arkania doesn't hold a real place in the Arkanian power structure, the role is a highly respected one. In times of trouble of uncertainty, the Jo'Dai Watchman serves as an advisor to the High King. The Watchman also serves as the Chief Master of the Luzu Enclave on Arkania, supervising the training of Arkanian Jo'Dai alongside their Watchman's duties.


The Arkanian military is renowned for its prowess and serves as a vanguard for its territories and allies. While there exist only few real alliances with isolated agricultural worlds near Arkania, the Arkanian military also aims to protect the fauna of the Tiyanki Territories from outside hunters. The main focus of the military is to protect those who are in need of it. Be they sapient or not. Although there is no real distinction between the navy and army, they do posses different titles for the job. The Arkanian military is small compared to many other star nations, but that's because they favour quality over quantity. Not only is tremendous training required, but the armed forces are entrusted with top of the line technology that offers tremendous protection for its wielder. Arkanian casualties are few and far between and they will go through great lengths to recover their bodies and armour. While the act of dying in the line of duty is seen as the most glorious act an Arkanian warrior can do, Arkanian tradition requires their bodies to be burnt. This is also done to prevent Arkanian technology to fall into the wrong hands. Ashlar is moon where the nature is most harsh. Ranging from freezing winds to near boiling temperatures. The Arkanian Ground Forces are faced with these harsh conditions to further strength their body and resolve.

Ground Forces

To this day the Arkanians favour melee combat. They are trained in multiple forms of combat, from knives, to swords and pikes. However the Arkanian Lightsword is the most standardized and used weapon in most operations. Arkanian officers also like to lead by example and prove their zeal in battle. This is a huge morale boost for the fighting forces. In terms of transportation, the Arkanians prefer the Thalgu as a mount. They armour these beasts up and form a fierce cavalry unit. Though they certainly have the capabilities to transport soldiers through aerial transportation, this is kept at a minimum. Going on hours on foot or on a mount is perceived as part of the challenge of a battle. They have a significant distaste for ranged combat and will go through great lengths to close the distance with their enemies. The Arkanians don't have any artillery for this reason. To do so, the Arkanians have used their technology to strengthen their ancient hoplite tactics. The Arkanian military doctrine dictates that soldiers must move as one unit. Only on the command of their officer will they draw up their swords and break formation. This tactic is heavily favoured by the Arkanian Royal Guard which consist of one Cohort which consists of the most elite warriors of the Kingdom. The lightsaber pike also has the option to fire plasma bolts through which the lightsaber comes from.

The armour of Arkanian Royal Guard Knight Captain with an Axiun shield, the pinnacle of Arkanian combat prowess.

Naval Forces

The Arkanian navy, like the Arkanian Ground Forces, are an elite fighting force. While at its foundation it was seen as the less nobler way of fighting, the Arkanians have adapted to make it just so. The majority of their ships are smaller vessels such patrolcraft and frigates who can easily and swiftly deal in anti-piracy campaigns. The navy however also has larger ships. The key to their success is their technology. Arkanian ships are filled with Arkanian technology that strengthens both their offensive and defensive capabilities. Arkanian ships have strong shielding and nano-infused hull plating that automatically repairs small ruptures in the armour of the ships. Arkanian weapons are largely plasma based, forcing the Arkanians to fight closer to their enemies. Due to this application of nanotechnology, Arkanian ships can successfully complete multiple ramming attempts without damaging the ship too much. To do so successfully, they have Arkanian Hyperdrives, which allow them to safely enter realspace closer to their enemies. Arkanian ships also have very fast sub-light engines which they use to twirl around enemy ships in near swarm like manners. Making dozens of runs close to the enemy ships in the hopes that the enemy weaponry won't be able to fire on them. This approach has lead the Arkanians to not have any real cruisers, instead using real large ships which act as a distraction and can take serious beatings while the smaller vessels and strikecraft finish of the enemy vessels.   The Arkanians, seeking an honourable way to fight in space, also focus on carrier tactics. The smaller strikecraft use the same tactics as the smaller vessels: up close. The carriers then proceed to draw attention and eliminate the larger elements of the enemy fleet. Strikecraft are optimized for sub-light fighting and come with shielding and heavy weapons. They serve as multirole vessels that can be used for a multitude of roles. They don't have their own hyperdrive however and are required to return to their carriers. Even Arkanian tradition is taken into account when ships are destroyed, a small explosive system within the cockpit explodes effectively cremating the pilot. Arkanians will however leave any strikecraft behind and never retreat before being sure they haven't forgotten any pilots. 

The bulk of the Arkanian fleets are their Star Defenders. These 3 km long dagger shaped ships are sturdier and can take heavy beatings from enemy vessels. They serve as a symbol of hope. That of an Arkanian sword coming to bring justice or liberation. To signify this, the Arkanians decided to build a large flagship that can easily transport up to an entire Theatre and serve as a forward operating base for when the need arises. This 23 km long behemoth is the pinnacle of Arkanian engineering and has served the Kingdom for 2.6000 standard years. This ship will however come up close to enemy vessels as well. Often using ramming tactics against smaller vessels. These larger vessels also carry large detachment of Ground Forces who are then used as boarding parties. These boarding parties however are inserted into other ships by a tether that cuts through the enemy vessels armour and allows the Arkanians to fight the enemy on their preferred field.

The flagship of the Arkanian Armada, the Zeal of Zeva Nassu.