Eggraria (Pacifica)

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The State of Eggraria

Ōvland Sītatə
Flag of the State of Eggraria
CapitalNew Manifesti
LargestRose City
Official languagesDeovalish, Austral
Recognised national languagesDeovalish, Austral
Ethnic groups
Manifesti (68%), Other (32%)
None, The Church of Teokra (Teokratika only)
GovernmentConstitutional federation, parliamentary democracy (Eggraria, Manifesti), direct democracy (Terralands), theocratic monarchy (Teokratika)
• Representative of State
Maria Peregrin
• Representative of Trade
Oslow Crenshaw
• Representative of Defense
Matthui Eaton
• Representative of Social Services
Aria Prometha
LegislatureThe Prismatic Council (federal), Eggraria Parliament (Eggraria), Manifesti Parliament (Manifesti), Holy Court of Teokratika (Teokratika)
• Revolution of the Eggrarian City-States
• Second Eggrarian Constitutional Council
• 2022 estimate
• 2020 census
GDP (PPP)2020 estimate
• Total
• Per capita
Gini (2020)24
HDI (2020)0.81
very high
CurrencyEggrarian Dollar (EGD)
Mains electricity120V
Driving sideright
Calling code+57

Eggraria (officially the State of Eggraria) is a federation within the South Pacific, particularly Bailtem. It consists of four provinces (Eggraria, Manifesti, the Terralands, and Teokratika), and the federal district of New Manifesti. The nation consists of rougly 20 million citizens, and a population of 2 million non-citizen residents. Major population centers consist of the cities New Manifesti (5 million), Rose City (8.5 million), Almanifesti (2 million), Terraton (1.8 million), and Teokratika (3 million).

The State of Eggraria operates as a constitutional federation, with each province capable of self-governance within the confines of federal law, and a federal council known as the Prismatic Council. The Prismatic Council is comprised of 4 representatives of each province and 4 federal sector directors (The Representative of State, The Representative of Trade, the Representative of Defense, and the Representative of Social Services). Each of these federal sectors comprise different agencies which compose a bureaucracy which the nation acts through. The Eggraria and Manifesti provinces operate under a parliamentary legislature, with an elected governor and an elected Prismatic Council representative. The Terralands province operates under a direct democracy, with an elected Democratic Overseer and an elected Prismatic Council representative. The Teokratika province operates under a limited monarchy in which all leaders and representatives are appointed.


The name Ōvland originates from Deovalish texts that discuss a particular tribe of people living in Manifesti tribes in the early 14th century. "Ōvlandə", the term used to describe Eggrarians, was first discovered in ancient Manifesti kingdoms as a description of the original nomadic tribe of people who lived in the area. The term would see very little use for the area until around the early 19th century once small cities had developed as homelands for the Eggrarian people.

The term "Eggraria" and "Eggrarian" would develop as a translation into Austral around the late 19th century, as more people began to immigrate into the region prior to and during the beginning of the establishment of Eggraria as a distinct nation. Prior to its adoption, the terms "Oevland" and "Oevlander" were primarily used to describe the Eggrarian people as a distinct identity from Manifesti, Terralander, or Teokratikan. The nation would officially adopt "Eggraria" and "Eggrarian" as the official Austral translation of the name in 1931.


Pre-History of Eggraria (c. 1000 CE-1278 CE)

Prior to the development of the Eggrarian nation as well as its official founding in 1843, the region of the Eggrarian nation was overseen by an ethnic population known as the Manifesti people. In the 11th century, records first discussed the Manifesti people as a "disaparate ethnicity, each set up into distinct tribes whom share only a common ancestor; they are virtually different otherwise". Historians generally agree that the unification of the pre-Eggrarian kingdoms primarily occurred from the years 1205-1278, with three distinct powers known as the Kingdoms of Manifesti, the Holy Order of Teokra, and the Terralands. Each of these locations would solidify under three distinct identities, with some intermingling reported. Among all three nations, a fourth identity with no distinct nation tied to it was reported to have existed since the 14th century. This identity was referred to primarily as the "nomad tribe", but would later be agreed upon by historians to be the first Eggrarians.

The Manifesti Kingdoms

The Manifesti Kingdoms initially formed out of various rulers within the area of the modern-day Eggraria and Manifesti provinces. The first record of the Manifesti Kingdoms was in 1205, having begun with a distinct area historians had described as "in constant war, division, and inability to grow due to the stagnation caused by competition." Due to a need for the growth of an alliance within the various kingdoms, as well as the growth of the Holy Order of Teokra in 1213, they eventually unified in 1258, with the exile of the Terralands from the Kingdom coming shortly after in 1278. Upon unification and the development of the Terralands as a distinct entity, a general peace occurred between the three ruling countries.

The Holy Order of Teokra

The Holy Order of Teokra was established as a ruling theocracy after 1213 when the Holy Despotic King of Teokra willingly split from the conflict in the Manifesti Kingdoms, developing a large swath of power due to the religious influence over the area. The Holy Order presented a threat to the other Manifesti Kingdoms, who at the time were not nearly as powerful as the Holy Order itself. The Holy Order of Teokra would eventually go on to calm down its aggression towards the Manifesti Kingdoms in 1258, save for the Terralands, which encouraged its exile in 1278.

The Terralands

The Terralands were a disparate entity of various tribes and communities within the Kingdom of Manifesti after the unification in 1258. However, due to the general democratic and views of these rulers, the Holy Order continued to apply pressure to the region, until the Kingdom of Manifesti declared the Terralands for exile, resulting in their development as a distinct nation in 1278. During this time, the Holy Order perceived them to be no longer influential on the region, leading to the development of a general peace.

The First Peace (1279-1423 CE)

The First Peace is categorized as the one and a half centuries in which the Kingdom of Manifesti, now a distinct country, the Terralands, and the Holy Order of Teokra coexisted in general economic and diplomatic harmony. Under the first peace began several developments, such as the development of far more permanent cities, the establishment of the various military forces of each nation, and the growth of travel between each nation. The Eggrarian people were first recognized during this period of time, having been known as "nomads with no distinct home, and a penchant for peace and community".


Government and politics



Culture and society