Dunedari Free-Standings (A1-0)

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Dunedari Free-Standings

Flag of Dunedari Free-Standings (A1-0)
Emblem of Dunedari Free-Standings (A1-0)
Founded~230 standard years ago
CapitalNau Valterra, Valtor Royal Complex
Population~24,8 billion
Head of stateJarla Tyri I Gelnir
Head of governmentArbiter Jeggur Telgeir
Major speciesDunedari
Key technologySpace habitats
MilitaryUnited Dunedari War Forces
CurrencyDunedari Credit(s)
"Few races have known the struggle of my people. Driven away, dispelled and shunned. We have learned to stand on our own and free. The very foundation of our Free-Standings and none will take it away from us. Ever."

The Dunedari Free-Standings is militant faction in the Tiyanki Territories derived from Terrans. Driven away from their original homeworld, the Dunedari have lived through a great diaspora. Forced to be mere merchants and seasonal workers, some of the Dunedari resorted to piracy in the Territories creating a bad reputation for their race. However, they have successfully founded a new star nation of their own where they remain at peace, yet won't shy away from their territorial character.


The Dunedari Free-Standings is named for both its people and its government form. Dunedari means the "fallen people" in their native language Duntau, referring to its people's beliefs that once they had come from the skies on the homeworld of Valterra. The star nation is also named Free-Standings to immortalize their past struggle and how they'll continue to stand freely in their new domain. It also symbolizes the loose confederal system where every Clan rules itself.


The true origins of the Dunedari has been lost to time. Only few details have remained intact from their original homeworld of Valterra and their neighbouring colonies. Originally the Dunedari were said to fall from the heavens and brought to Valterra, there they built a thriving civilization. The Dunedari too even colonized other neighbouring planets and founded the Dunedari State. The Dunedari State inhabited regions currently located in the Treecuu Star Empire, however the Dunedari State lived shortly as it was destroyed during the Loo-Yee Calamity.

Loo-Yee Calamity

The Dunedari State was attacked by a species later known to the Treecuu as Loo-Yee. This new species destroyed every civilization in their path. Roughly 260 standard years ago, the Dunedari State was attacked by the Loo-Yee. A brutal war ensued and lasted for nearly a decade where the Dunedari fought bravely. But when the Loo-Yee started using weapons of mass destruction, the planets of the Dunedari were left in shambles. The Dunedari State evacuated the surviving population on massive starships along with its military. With their homeworlds destroyed and the Loo-Yee threatening to make them extinct, the Dunedari State fled its territories to establish a new home.


The Dunedari Migrant Fleet set course to the north-east outrunning the Loo-Yee. This journey would however lead them through the territory of the Badlands of Anarchy, there they sought to find a planet of their own. However, the piracy of the region soon revealed that their dreams of a new homeworld would have to wait.
Continuing on their quest, the Dunedari entered the Tiyanki Territories. Facing crisis and being turned away by the Ch'Rattan Cartel, some of the Dunedari reverted to piracy. The larger Dunedari Migrant Fleet disagreed with these few rouges and opened formal trade relations with whomever agreed with them. For years the Dunedari Migrant Fleet spoke with many of the star nation of the Tiyanki Territories in search of new homeworld of their own. Fortunately, they were able to gain a foothold south of the Vurk Communion.

Formation of the Free-Standings

With a newfound home on Nau Valterra, the larger Dunedari Migrant Fleet formed the Free-Standings where every clan was able to rule themselves. Thus the Free-Standings became a loose confederation of clans on Nau Valterra. The Dunedari even colonized new worlds, but it put them at odds with the Sellorian Matriarchy. A short war followed where the Sellorians, following a lost war against the Cron, they attacked the Free-Standings to gain new resources for their war effort. The Dunedari however still had their Migrant Fleet largely intact and were able to repel the invading Sellorians with swift and decisive victories. The Sellorian-Dunedari War lasted merely 4 months.
The Free-Standings had actually gained new territories thanks to the leadership and tactical skills of Urjo Gelnir of Clan Alarvar. In exchange, the Free-Standings Council elected him to the position of Jarl, the equivalent of a King. In practice this role is more of a first among equal title than anything else. Nonetheless, the Free-Standings had send a powerful message that they'll defend their territory against all invaders.


The map of the Dunedari Free-Standings.

280 star systems in a cloud roughly 30 LY in width, 50 LY in length and 40 LY in depth. It's located left of the Great Expanse in between the Sellorian Matrarchy, Salketh Sociocracy, Kezimite Kingdom, Swords of Cronum and the Vurk Communion. This location has served the Dunedari well as it is fairly isolated and cornered. Helping them dunker down in their new homes.
In total, the Free-Standings has 18 colonized worlds. However, there are also numerous other space stations by those who have grown accustomed to live in space.



Foreign policy





Settled worlds



Dunedari Free-Standings in Sector A1-0